Rust Strings

Rust String Notes

Rust String Examples

A String can be passed back from inside a function because it passes the ownership on.

fn test() -> String
let mystring = String::from("test string") // create string

&Str a string slice can not be passed back from inside a function if the string it points to was created inside the function

fn test() -> &str
let mystring = String::from("test string") // create string 
&mystring      // Not allowed as it can not pass ownership from string created inside function. 
               // because mystring will be freed when the function goes out of scope.

Reverse a string

pub fn reverse(input: &str) -> String {
    let mut result = String::new();  // new string created

    for letter in input.chars().rev() {  // Use the rev function in a loop to get every char
    return result;  // pass ownership of the string

pattern matching

pub fn reply(message: &str) -> &str {
    // Check for yelling
    let is_yelling = message.contains(char::is_alphabetic) && message == message.to_uppercase();
    // Pattern match mesage
    match message.trim() {
        // Empty message
        m if m.is_empty() => "Fine. Be that way!",
        // Question and yelling
        m if m.ends_with("?") && is_yelling => "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!",
        // Question
        m if m.ends_with("?") => "Sure.",
        // Just yelling
        m if is_yelling => "Whoa, chill out!",
        // Anything else
        _ => "Whatever."