Docker Notes

Docker Notes

Start docker daemon manualy

sudo dockerd

Start daemon with systemd when docker is installed for the first time

sudo systemctl start docker

check docker is running

docker info

Restart docker daemon

sudo systemctl restart docker

run docker without sudo

Warning security attack can be done if you do the following see website

To create the docker group and add your user:

Create the docker group.

sudo groupadd docker

Add your user to the docker group.

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Run with shared folder inside the container.

Example below.

docker run -it \
		   --volume=/home/test/docker-workspace/testproject:/testproject \
		   --name testingcontainer \
		   fedora/gjs:latest \

Line 1 = docker command run in interactive mode.

Line 2 = share folder /home/docker-workspace/testproject on your computer, to /testproject inside the container.

Line 3 = Name of the container you want.

Line 4 = Which docker image to use

Line 5 = run bash when in the container

Run commands as root inside container

To run as root in a running container, run the command below. Change the dockerid to the dockerid of the container you want to connect to.

docker exec -it --user=root dockerid bash

You are can now run root commands inside the dockker container.
